The Mystery of History, Volume 1
Ancient History
Click on the photos, above, to see other projects and activities I've developed or found over the years.
Also, at the bottom of this page, you will find suggestions for various lessons in Volume 1.
These index card summaries were written by Valerie Denton when her family used The Mystery of History, Volume 1. She graciously gave me permission to edit the summaries and place them into an index card format, as well as share them here on my website for you. Valerie and I hope these are helpful for you!
Lesson 9 ~ Gilgamesh
Lesson 39 ~ Homer
- Stories from the Iliad (Elementary School level)
- Iliad for Boys and Girls (Middle School level)
- Stories from the Odyssey (Elementary School level)
- Odyssey for Boys and Girls (Middle School level)
Lesson 40 ~ India and Hinduism
Listen to and read the Bhagavad-Gita: the Song of God online (ancient Indian poetry).
Lesson 65 ~ Confucius
The Analects of Confucius - PDF form
The Mystery of History logo, images, and references are used by permission of the author and the publisher. Copyrights held by Bright Ideas Press and Linda Lacour Hobar. This material has not been published or produced by Joy In Our, but permission has been obtained to share these materials from the publisher.