This next week, I'm going to literally jump in with both feet and do something I've been afraid to do now for many years. Why? I don't want to be characterized as someone who is fearful - of the unknown, of trying new things, of what could happen if I push myself more than what I'm used to. daughters have convinced me that this is a good thing. A very good thing. (We'll see about that!) So - what am I doing next week? Drumroll, please . . . Okay, I know the suspense is killing you, right? ☺ I'm joining . . . Crazy, right? If you know me well, you know that I would rather read a book, chat with friends online, hang out with my family, and even do household chores before I'd exercise. It's not that I hate exercise. It's just that I greatly dislike sweating. But sweating is so good for my health. I've learned that it helps the body to release toxins and impurities through the skin. So when we go for years and years and purposefully avoid sweating due to exercise, we're robbing our immune systems of getting healthier. I've been eating a low carb diet for over two years now, and still haven't lost more than 20 lbs. Ugh. I now think a lot of that comes down to not fitting fitness into my life. I've made all the excuses in the world as to why I can't exercise:
Five months ago, my youngest daughter (age 15) made arrangements to exchange cleaning a portion of one of our local Crossfit gyms once a week so she could participate in its M/W/F Teen classes. Since it was taking over two hours to do the cleaning, and I had to drive her down to the gym and stay with her while she cleaned (at night, after the gym closes), I eventually decided to work alongside her to get the cleaning job down to 75 minutes like the owner expected. Hey, I loved the thought of sitting on the couch down at the gym, reading a book for two uninterrupted hours each week (!!!), but I really didn't want to be away from home that long in the evening. I offered to help her clean, so for 75 minutes once a week, she and I are cleaning buddies. Three months ago, younger sister convinced older sister (age 17) that she needed to start participating in Crossfit. She also made arrangements to clean gym equipment once a week in exchange for her Crossfit membership. After a number of months, it dawned on me that since I was working the required length of time as well, hey, maybe I could join Crossfit for free, too. (What a thought!) The owner agreed, so I'm starting my two weeks of Fundamentals classes this next week - woo-hoo! I'm terrified. I know I'm going to start really slow and small. I've watched some of those women work out, and they are strong and powerful! My goal isn't to become a bodybuilder - not at all. That just doesn't appeal to me at all. What I want to do is become stronger, be more aware of the strength I should have in my muscles, become more physically fit, SWEAT (yes, even that!), get trimmed up a bit, and make that Vitamin D work better because I'm doing strength training along with a healthy eating lifestyle. One of the tools that Crossfit members use on occasion is a fitness jump rope. My oldest daughter, Kelsi, has been using the fitness jump rope you see in the image, above, the fast speed cable Speed Jump Rope by Bella Naturals. While we are able to use speed jump ropes that belong to the gym, having one's own jump rope means that the length is customized for the individual - and that makes the workout with a jump rope so much more effective. Here's what we've learned about jump roping as a workout:
The Speed Jump Rope by Bella Naturals contains ball bearings which are meant to increase the number of revolutions per minute, making it an ideal jump rope - especially if you need to achieve double and triple unders, as well as best PRs in your workout. The Speed Jump Rope comes with these features:
This jump rope has worked out well for my daughter, so now it's time to buy my own. ☺ Along with the new workout shoes (my walking shoes were very old and stiff and wouldn't work so well for Crossfit), workout pants, and longer tank tops (for underneath) and longer t-shirts (no bellies showing here!), I think I'm ready. At least in the clothing department. Heh, heh. So if you see me hobbling around for the next month or so, now you know why. But I think it is going to be worth it. The local owner of this particular Crossfit gym is very careful in helping people train properly so they don't injure themselves. He is aware of my shoulder, and he will allow me to compensate for it so I don't hurt myself further. But the soreness I'm expecting for the next long while? Well, that can't be avoided. It's the nature of exercising. Pray for me! What kinds of exercise equipment have you found to work the best for you, personally? Do you do any speed jump roping? If so, how do you like it? This post was originally published on
Hi! I'm Julieanne!