What have your children been doing during summer vacation? Are they bored to tears? Begging to go back to school? Are you begging the calendar to flip through the days faster, so they will go back to school sooner? :) My girls have had a busy and interesting summer at home this year. They haven't taken any art or tennis classes, or anything much that takes them out of our home, really, except for getting together with their many friends. But what I've loved to see happening this summer is that they've spent their free moments doing very creative, educational activities, on their own. They know better than to say, "Mom, I'm bored." They know that I'll slap a dustcloth into their hands and have them get busy! There's always more dusting to do. :) They haven't begged to watch more television, play more computer games, or constantly leave the house to go "do something fun." Besides spending lots of time with their friends, at our home and at their friends' homes, they've been creative, in their own ways. When I saw this video that Brittany made last week, I knew I had to share it with you. Brittany loves working on videography projects. She's experimented with both stop-motion vidoes and taking regular video. Right now, her favorite is to make stop-motion videos using our regular digital camera and then converting those digital photos to video, like you'll see below. She uses my YouTube account to upload her videos to share with others. So, here you are...Brittany's stop-motion American Girl Imagination video! If you enjoyed that, I hope you'll take a moment to go to my account and leave her a comment. This would really be an encouragement to her! You all are so wonderful about leaving nice comments, already! If you are an email subscriber, you may need to click the title of this post to view the video on my website. I'm sorry that I didn't realize that when I first sent this out.
8/4/2011 03:24:54 pm
OH MY GOSH - just watched Brittany's video - AMAZING !!! She is gonna be quite the picture & film maker someday! Maybe she can work for National Geographic doing all the animal and planets documentaries!
8/4/2011 03:26:34 pm
That was great, Julieanne! My boys are all into movie making. My oldest has been for some time. The younger boys are doing movies very similar to Brittany's. They are doing stop action with action figures and Legos. I, too, enjoy watching them use their imagination. It's great!!
8/4/2011 03:27:20 pm
That was awesome, Julieanne! Tell Brittany I said Great Job!
8/4/2011 03:32:05 pm
That was sweet! Great job, Brittany!
8/4/2011 03:37:57 pm
Thank you, ladies! I'll let her know! :)
8/4/2011 03:39:11 pm
So when is she doing her presentation at the fair? I will be there Tuesday & Wednesday.
8/4/2011 03:39:42 pm
The girls do their presentations on Thursday, Jana. Oh, well!
8/4/2011 03:40:16 pm
Shoot. I would have enjoyed that.
8/12/2011 06:23:30 am
Wow!! She did a fabulous job. I'm going to show this to my daughter to inspire her.
8/12/2011 04:33:11 pm
Thank you - I'll let her know! :)
8/20/2011 03:43:08 pm
Jennifer, thank you for coming by and saying hello! Your son's comment was cute - I enjoyed that, and I'll show it to Brittany this week so she can get a giggle from it, too!
10/1/2011 07:13:36 am
Awesome! great job :) can't wait to show this to my little girl... she has an American GIrl that looks just like one in the video!
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