Adriane Darcy was practically raised in her father's newspaper offices. She can't imagine life without the clatter of the press and the push to be first to write the news that matters. Their Tribune is the leading paper in Louisville in 1855. Then Blake Garrett, a brash young editor from the North with a controversial new style of reporting, takes over a failing competing paper, and the battle for readers gets fierce. When Adriane and Blake meet at a benefit tea, their surprising mutual attraction is hard to ignore. Still, Blake is the enemy, and Adriane is engaged to the son of a powerful businessman who holds the keys to the Tribune's future. Blake will stop at almost nothing to get the story – and the girl. Can he do both before it's too late? |
| I've been writing most of my life. When I was a kid I read Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mysteries, and of course, when you're a child your imagination gets a little carried away. I would think “Boy, that would be fun to be like them and be able to solve a mystery.” So I made up my own mystery about my cousin, my sister and me as the detectives. I just sort of played around with it when I was 10 or 11 years old and wrote a chapter here and there. I never did actually finish that story, but that’s how I got started on the writing path. Then when I was a teenager, I wrote short stories with lots of typical teen drama. I’ve been writing ever since. While I was writing for the general market, I had two historical romances for adults published - both with a Kentucky history background. Then I published eleven books for young readers. Most of those were for young teens with a couple of what the kids call chapter books for ages 8 to 12. My first inspirational fiction books were my three Hollyhill books about Jocie and her friends. I've published three Shaker books, The Outsider, The Believer, and The Seeker with another, The Blessed scheduled for release in the summer of 2011. Then there's my book set during the Great Depression, Angel Sister. I've also published the one non-fiction inspirational book, Angels at the Crossroads. So how many does that make? Twenty-one and counting. |
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Hi! I'm Julieanne!
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trying new Trim Healthy Mama recipes, loving God, and carrying out that love as I bless my husband and teen daughters.
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