![]() How many of you took chemistry in high school? (My hand is raised.) How many of you remember any of the chemistry you took in high school? (My hand goes down...yours might stay up depending on how brainiac you are or if you are working in a science/math field! My bachelors degree is in Elementary Education, and not much science was/is taught in the lower grades these days, so hard core science is not something I've used since college.) Many parents shy away from upper high school math and science courses. I took Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in high school, as well as Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus (Calculus wasn't offered in my public high school back in the day). While I generally received A's and B's in my high school classes, I have to admit that I was a bit hesitant to "teach" chemistry to my oldest last year. But that's crazy to be nervous about teaching chemistry! I mean, technically, if I got decent grades in Chemistry class in high school, I should be able to teach it to my children - or at least relearn it right alongside them, right? I finally remembered last August that really solid, good homeschool curriculum is written as if the parent and student are not familiar at all with the subject matter. In most cases, students are taught to work independently and think and learn on their own. This helps them to be excellent students in college. I had already purchased three other chemistry courses over several years' time (Apologia, Bob Jones, and RealScience4Kids Chemistry), but they weren't the best fit for my family at the high school level. While I have loved RealScience4Kids' curriculum, their high school program was only a half credit of high school-level Chemistry, and the author hasn't finished writing the second half of the program. The problem with Apologia and Bob Jones was that even though we've used quite a few of Apologia's science texts in the past (and they are extremely thorough and much more challenging than anything I ever had in high school and college), the chemistry books were written in a way that made it more difficult to understand the concepts. I would have had to follow very closely and read the text myself to help my daughter when she had questions...and with three high schoolers at home right now, I just knew I wouldn't have the time to do that. My dad, a mechanical engineer, also looked at Apologia's chemistry program and felt the same way - that most modern chemistry courses are written to make the subject much more difficult than necessary. So, I did more online research and learned a bit about Friendly Chemistry. Sure enough, Friendly Chemistry was written to be nearly self-teaching if necessary. I'm so glad I came across this amazing high school chemistry curriculum! Now that we've used Friendly Chemistry in our home for a full school year and will be using it with two more high schoolers this school year, I want to let you know what we thought of the program and then hold a GIVEAWAY for one set of Friendly Chemistry curriculum! About the authors:![]()
Dr. Hajda holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine and a master’s degree in secondary and higher education curriculum and instruction. He has taught science courses at the middle and high school levels for more than 20 years as well as at the community college level. Co-author Lisa, his wife, has a bachelors degree in veterinary science, a masters degree in elementary curriculum and instruction, and has completed coursework toward her doctorate in education.
If you're familiar with Friendly Chemistry at all, did you know this? Three percent of each sale of Friendly Chemistry goes directly to support the "Water 4 Haiti" ministry. How neat for the authors to bless others through the sales of their products.
NOTE: Entrants must be 18 years or older;
only U.S. residents are eligible to enter this giveaway. I will select the winner of this prize using Random.org (via this Rafflecopter entry form). |
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I did take Chemistry in high school and at the time I enjoyed it. Do I remember enough to teach it right now? No. And with my oldest of soon to be 9 children now high school age I need to get ready. Friendly Chemistry sounds great!
Great review!!!
I do not remember taking it in High school. I remember taking a class in middle school. It was a basic class. I'm definitely scared to teach it!
I took Chemistry in high school and enjoyed balancing equations because I enjoyed math. I have no idea how I would do teaching it to my daughter who hates math. I also don't remember much about most of the concepts or labs.
I didn't mind Chemistry class in high school, either. I mean, for me it wasn't a barrel of monkeys ☺ but it wasn't painful, either. For students who really don't enjoy math, Friendly Chemistry is a great option because it really explains the "why" and "how" behind the math. ☺
I took high school chemistry and the thing that made me the most nervous about it at 14 was having to light the bunsen burners with a strike plate. Yipes!
I did not take Chem is high school, tried it in college and ended up dropping it 3 weeks in. I feel completely inept trying to teach this subject. We've tried 2 other curricula and they are very hard to get thru and unexciting. I'm excited to learn more about Friendly Chemistry.
Jayme, I think I would have cried if I'd not taken Chemistry in high school but then needed to take it in college! Wow. That would have been tough. :( You know, I think you'll find Friendly Chemistry to be completely the opposite of the two other curricula you've tried! Yet Friendly Chemistry still meets high school requirements for this level of class. I think you'll be pleased with what you see in the program. ☺
I remember taking chemistry in high school but I don't remember anything. I am terrified to teach chemistry to my daughter.
I didn't take chemistry but have a son that I believe would love it and do great with it!
I did not take chemistry but have two children taking this year. Help! lol
I don't know what curriculum you've selected for chemistry for this year, Susan, but if you find they (and you) are having difficulty with it, I'd recommend switching mid-stream to Friendly Chemistry and learning the same concepts in an easier way. I normally don't encourage people to do that, but I would have needed to if we'd gone with one of the other programs I already had.
I did not take it in highschool. Scared to have to teach it, too.
I enjoyed my high school Chemistry class much better than my college class
I took Chemistry, but I understood more from my 9th grade ICP class than the Chemistry course. This program sounds amazing!
I took Chemistry in college as a freshman and found it scary back then. But I really enjoy it now. I just found out about Friendly Chemistry this week as I finalize school ideas for this year for my two girls. I was thrilled to read about your experience with this program! Thank you!
I took it in college. I had a very knowledgable professor and a friend to hold my hand through it. :)
Yes, I took chemistry in high school and still feel sad about it. :-)
I took two years of Chemistry in high school. The first year I dropped out a few weeks in because I was so overwhelmed. Fortunately I had an awesome teacher who really cares about her students and convinced me to stay. I ended up earning an a in both classes.
Great review! Even if I don't win we will be taking a closer look at this curriculum!
I'm SURE I took it but can't remember much! In hs'ing mine, I did the same thing as you - Apologia, & Bob Jones. HORRIBLE for them! Neither needed that much detail so for the last one, I'm looking for something that will catch her interest and PULL her in instead of me PUSHING her.
Yes, I've heard the same comment from quite a few homeschooling parents about the other two curricula - they are great for many subjects and science levels, but not so great for chemistry except for the most science/math-loving students. I honestly DO think you'll find that Friendly Chemistry will pull in your daughter in a positive way. ☺
I am looking for my granddaughter. Like you I have used the other chemistry courses and am looking for something else. Thank you.
I did take chemistry in high school and college and taught a couple of the kids also.
This is already on my wishlist! I'm glad to see a thorough review.
Ooops I didn't see that it needed to be a certain kind of comment. I did take chemistry and it was kind of scary. :)
No I did not take chemistry. It felt too overwhelming...and now I'm wondering how I will ever help my kiddos through it!?! This looks like an awesome curriculum! Thanks for the review.
I took it in high school and college - I liked the idea of it, but did not have a great teacher in HS, so felt lost in college.
I took chemistry in high school and enjoyed it. But I don't remember much of it at all. I had to take it in college too but only managed to get through the first semester. I changed my major so I wouldn't have to take any more chemistry!
I took it but didn't remember much about the equations. I did remember someone blowing up an experiment that they were crazily messing around with!
Science is not my strong suit, but my son adores it! I've been terrified of high school, but this curriculum gives me hope!
I'm so glad to hear that! Most of the high school curricula we've used has been almost self-teaching, with not a ton of help needed from me. (Beautiful Feet Books history/literature; Apologia Science (until Chemistry); Easy Grammar Plus - high school levels; Visual Latin; Homeschool Spanish Academy (skype with tutor); Math-U-See (which has online classes as well if needed). Actually, there is a lot less time involved on my part at the high school level, so it's been really nice!
We love chemistry at our house. This set looks like a great addition for our little chemists to continue their exploration.
I didn't take it in HS.
Since I never took chemistry, this looks like mama can learn at her age, too!
I took it in college and dropped out. The professer told us, kn the first day of class, that hardly anyone in the class scored above a 70. That was if you didn't drop out first. He predicted that half the class would drop his class. I was a pre-engineering student with a computer programming class that was overlapping the Chemistry Class, so I chose computers. So sad. I might take the Friendly Chemistry Class the same time as my son does. If I win it.
My son is a science nut!lol He loves all things science! I would love to win this for him.
Oops hit enter too fast. I took general science in high school and Biology in college. So having good curriculum for my son is a must!
Heard great things about this. 3 kids that will eventually use it. One as early as next year. Would love to win it!
I had chemistry in high school, but there wasn't much substance to it. It was very basic. So it wasn't too frightening.
I took Chemistry in High School, but I could not tell you much about it. Nothing really jumps out at me about the class. It's been awhile and I would love to make the experience more memorable for my teens then it was for me!
I hated chemistry! Am not looking forward to trying to teach it.
I enjoyed Chemistry in high school! I owe that to my teacher. Now that my daughter has entered high school , it is a scary thought to teach it to her myself even with all the science I had in college! This makes me want to learn it myself again! I believe this would bring it alive for my daughter so that she will have a positive experience.
My daughter would love this!
I hated science of all sorts in high school and steered away from them like the plague. Fortunately my daughter loves science and would love this!
What a wonderful giveaway! This looks like an easily usable set and I'm thrilled that it comes with manipulatives. Blessings to the authors for their generosity.
Hate I missed the give-away but happy to stumble across your wonderful review! If you have time to reply, I have a concern that I am sure you can address... Did you feel that you needed the Teacher's Editions plus a Student Textbook for EACH child (as Friendly Chemistry recommends)? To homeschool my two children, those three items will total $150, and I haven't even bought the manipulatives, supplies, etc. What are the bare minimum products you would recommend I purchase to teach this class to my high school level kiddos? Thanks, again!
totally missed the give away, but that is ok. I am seriously looking at this for my next years 10th grader...but the one concern I have is the elementary look of the labs videos. If the videos look like something from 2nd grade, will my student even take them seriously. I am sure they teach something....if they don't turn her off first. Can you please address that? Thank you so much !!
I have recently started a website, the info you provide on this web site has helped me greatly. Thanks for all of your time & work.
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