For the last, well, umpteen years, our family has hosted a family-friendly New Year's Eve celebration. I wouldn't say we do anything exotic or extraordinary...but we always have a lot of fun! Yes, our girls now stay up until midnight (or later!) with us. I know - we're crazy. And this year, with New Year's Day falling on a Sunday, and our worship service at church starting at 10:45 on Sunday morning, me thinks we're going to have some very tired children - and adults - come Sunday afternoon. Can we say, "NAPTIME?"
All you will need are some paper lunch sacks, a black marker, and paper to print off the FREE printables, below. I happened to already have some white lunch sacks, so we're going to use those. If you don't happen to have lunch sacks, you could also print these off and glue/fasten them to envelopes with the slip of paper ideas placed one inside each envelope. On each bag/envelope, use the black marker to draw in the corresponding time of the event! For our party, I'll be having one bag for each 30 minutes of the evening together. 6:30 ~ Eat Italian food! 7:00 ~ Glowstick "Maffia" game outside for the children! 7:30 ~ Silly String outside for the children 8:00 ~ Foosball competition for the children 8:30 ~ Wii games for the children (Bananagrams and other board games for the adults) 9:00 ~ Ice Cream Sundaes! 9:30 ~ Movie for the children (on the computer in the schoolroom) 11:30 ~ Bible devotional time led by my husband 12:00 ~ Happy New Year! Noisemakers and poppers for everyone! The bags will have the graphics on them, below, and inside will be a slip of paper that explains what the activity will be, plus any additional supplies needed for that activity (if they will fit!). As you can tell, we'll have 9 bags lined up on the dining room table, and every 30 minutes, a child will be selected to open one bag to announce the surprise or activity! |
Hi! I'm Julieanne!