HEART’S SAFE PASSAGE Adventure and hardship begin this tale, in 1813, during the time of the War of 1812. The bulk of the story takes place aboard a British privateer, a ship filled with men intent on taking other ships and capturing their cargo and precious bounty, thereby insuring the pirates’ own wealth. Mrs. Phoebe Lee, a widow due to horrifying circumstances, becomes very unwillingly involved in assisting her late husband’s sister, who is seeking to free her own husband from a prison in England. Unfortunately, the two women are living in Virginia and must seek a way to be transported so they may accomplish this deed. The ship they board is captained by Rafe Docherty, a man determined and quite able to continue his pirating days with his men, but who has agreed to transport the sister-in-law (Belinda Chapman) to free her husband, only because George Chapman holds a secret that Captain Docherty needs to know in order to avenge his own past tragedies. The Captain will allow nothing to get in the way of accomplishing his mission. The novel is filled with many secrets being revealed throughout, intrigue in the mysteries being solved, the problems of forgiveness to self and others for past circumstances and mistakes, denying God and His promises in the Bible, much prayer in attempting to correct misdeeds, hate, anger, growing respect, and love (of course). Unbelievable circumstances aboard a very small ship crossing a very large ocean during a time long before our own, leaves a reader thankful for living in a much more “civilized” world, though the emotions accented in this story are still the same as those felt by all of us today. The human heart has not changed since God gave free will to those He created; but it still has (always) the opportunity to turn to this wonderful Creater/Master/Friend and find the ability to begin again. Another great book from a Christian publisher which will share historical knowledge in a fictional way so it is very enjoyable! And, if you are a part of a reading group or book club, you may want to use the following free reading group guide as part of your discussion time! At 400 pages, Heart's Safe Passage is available at ChristianBook.com for $9.99 (paperback version) or $9.69 (eBook version). Disclosure: I received one paperback copy of Heart's Safe Passage in exchange for an honest review of this book. No other compensation was provided.
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