If there ever was a chocolate addict, it's me. I can justify my addiction, because chocolate is supposed to be good for us now, right? Since I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes a couple of years ago, I had to change my mindset. Sure, dark-dark chocolate is good for us; but the added sugar and carbs is not good for me - and probably most Americans. When our family went "mostly sugar free" over 8 months ago, I grieved the thought of giving up sweets. Thankfully, with Trim Healthy Mama as our lifestyle eating guide, I haven't had to give up sweet treats and desserts. I've just changed up the way I prepare those kinds of goodies these days, and it mostly leaves me satisfied. I still crave Peanut Buster Parfaits from DQ from time to time - being honest here. ☺
My mocha ice cream recipe calls for 2 tsp. of chocolate extract, so it didn't take long for me to figure that we'd be going through the extract faster than I wanted to pay for it. I decided it was time to figure out how to make my own Chocolate Extract, and I thought I'd share my DIY version with you in case some of you would like to try this for yourself! Be aware that this isn't an overnight project. While it's quick and easy to put together, it will need to sit in a dark cupboard for 6-12 weeks...and possibly even longer, depending on how strong you'd like it. Some folks let it sit for as long as 10 months!
Place jar of cocoa extract mixture into a dark cupboard...but not so far back that you never see it. You don't want to forget about it entirely! Two to three times each week, gently shake the extract and place it back into the dark recesses of your kitchen cupboards. After six weeks, you may start checking the extract to see how it smells and tastes. The goal is to not just taste vodka, but to definitely taste a stronger concentrated chocolate flavor. Depending on how you like chocolate extract, you may want to store it for as long as 10 months before using it. That's up to you! DIY Homemade Chocolate Extract Be aware that this isn't an overnight project. While it's quick and easy to put together, it will need to sit in a dark cupboard for 6-12 weeks...and possibly even longer, depending on how strong you'd like it. Some folks let it sit for as long as 10 months! Pour 1-1/2 cups vodka into a 2-cup glass mason jar. Gently stir in 3/4th cup cocoa powder. Place tight-fitting lid onto jar. Store jar in dark cupboard, shaking gently every 3-4 days. Allow to sit for 6-8 weeks, or up to 10 months, before using chocolate extract. Chocolate extract doesn't need to be refrigerated, and can be stored indefinitely for your baking and cooking uses. EnJOY! Do you have a recipe binder? Print off this recipe for yourself! |
Chocolate Extract may be used with any type of recipe you'd like! However, if you're using the Trim Healthy Mama way of cooking, you may enjoy taking a look at my Trim Healthy Mama style Visual Shopping Guide...a virtual shopping list of ideas when you are grocery shopping. |
What do you use this for? I've seen recipes using this, but I've bypassed them since I never had any.
Making the chocolate extract from your recipe and you are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!THX so MUCH!!!!!
Well this just tickles my fancy. Frugal? Yes please...sign me up!
Thanks for linking at Trim Healthy Tuesday. :-) For real.
Awesome!!! So trying this! I bought some Watkins Chocolate extract but I'm not a fan of it.
Wondering about the alcohol content in the extract.... can this be heated to cook off the alcohol without compromising the flavor of the chocolate?
Do you have to strain the mixture after it sits for awhile? I have seen it done both ways, and I am not sure what is better.
This sounds awesome. Have you tried making other extracts? Would you use the same ratios of ingredients do you think? I'm thinking of coffee and fruit flavours like Cherry.
Hi, Marcella, I've actually made vanilla extract and coffee extract, and have shared the directions for making both here on Joy In Our Journey.com. Coffee extract: http://www.joyinourjourney.com/1/post/2013/10/homemade-coffee-extract-delicious-and-frugal.html
and vanilla extract:
Thanks Julieanne. I bought a small bottle of vodka today to try it.
I have had mine brewing for about 10 weeks and it is pretty thick--not as liquid as I thought it would be. Is that how it should be?
Thanks! I thought about doing that, but wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. =)
When it is done does it smell like chocolate or does it smell like chocolate and vodka? I want to use the extract to scent a sugar scrub but I don't want it to smell like alcohol.
Yes, it does smell a little bit like vodka/alcohol. The longer it "brews" or sits alone in a dark cupboard, the less it will smell like alcohol, however. You might try Frontier's brand of chocolate extract to see if it has less scent of alcohol, even though it contains alcohol: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0048IFIAC?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B0048IFIAC&linkCode=xm2&tag=joinoujo0d-20
FYI: You will never get that alcohol smell if you use the right vodka. I buy the PLATINUM 7X it's $16 for half gallon. Not real expensive. I am making chocolate extract for the first time also. You will have a beautiful chocolate smell immediately. Mine smells so good it's been a couple of weeks. I'm glad to read you don't strain yours I may not either now. Just wanted to share this with you if you are like me and make alot of your own extract. EnJOY
Wonderful and this recipe doesn't break the bank! I thought about purchasing chocolate extract online but the price is prohibitive. This is super...thanks!
Hey just thought I'd throw in there, I ALWAYS seem to find chocolate extract at homegoods. It is a sister store of TJ maxx and marshalls so I would check there too. Depending on which one you get as far as brand name, it is about 5.99 for a 4 oz bottle. Happy cooking!!
Thanks for the suggestion, Amanda! Where I live, we don't have any Homegoods stores, so that isn't an option here. Whenever I do happen to see chocolate extract in the stores, it is VERY expensive. For those who need a less expensive option for them, I hope this recipe is helpful!
I grow my own cacao, but you don't have a recipe for making it with the beans. I see the picture for making it with the beans. Care to share? Thanks,
I also grow my own vanilla! Will have to try it this year, when the pods ripen.
P.S. I found the recipe with the cacao beans, thanks.
Hi Berta,
I am wanting to grow coffee, cacoa and vanilla. Can you give me some advice on how to start?
Hi. My wife and I love Jesus. We started this company to glorify him. We left our "nets", we left everything to follow him. I"m sitting in my home in Franklin, TN at my desk... and I felt an impression to go looking for Chocolate Extract... and first thing I came across was you! For some reason, I came across your statement about Jesus. I stopped what I was doing, read no further and wrote you! Click on this link and you'll see my comment. http://d.pr/i/1ioHu This is just a screen capture of your statement...
Anyway... I would like to talk to you about being a source of Chocolate Extract for our company, if you are interested. And, who knows... the Lord may have something much bigger than that in mind.
You can go to my LinkedIn, and read about me. Just look under Dave Dalton and eBars.
Finally, our company's logo, which is on every bar we sell... says this... "Because You Are A Masterpiece"... this of course, is based our of Psalms where David talks about being fearfully and wonderfully made. I hope I've not overwhelmed you with all of this... I was just really excited... and felt His nudging for me to write you... which I don't do often.
Here's a link to one of our bars made specifically for women, so you can see the "Because You Are A Masterpiece".
May the Lord keep you and bless you and may His face shine upon you and husband during this season of celebration of our Lord.
Dave Dalton
865.335.1988 (My Personal Mobile)
I'm anxious to try your extracts. I just finished reading about the vanilla and that it can be replenished by adding more vodka and/or vanilla beans. Can the chocolate and the coffee be replenished in a similar way? Thank you!
Hi Juliannne,
I hope I didn't just miss it in the above comments somewhere, but I was wondering if you could tell me how your extract turned out, maybe an objective comparison to the store bought (probably made from cacao bits and not powder). Just curious...I have a bunch of powder I should probably use up. Also, does the powder settle to the bottom where you could strain off the extract, or does the powder stay as part of the final product?
We are producing and exporting, we can supply large volumes conventional, cocoa beans of peruvian.
Best Regards
Carlos Guerra
Incorporación Internacional “MAYRA EIRL”
Address: Jr. Los Pinos manzana F lote 2 - Los Olivos - Lima - Perú
Tel: 511 4853051
Cell Phone: 511 999932166 – 511 997231802
Skype: cguerra184
E-mail: [email protected]:
[email protected]
Can I subtitute vodka for another non alcohol ingredient? What should I use? I really want to make non alcohol coffee extract but it stated that I have to use chocolate extract that using alcohol, thanks
I thought everyone knew that distillation removes *all* traces of gluten, so it doesn't matter the source of vodka; the final result will be gluten free.
What if I don't want to use alcohol? Are there any alternatives to alcohol if I want to make this chocolate extract without alcohol?
Hi, I am 1 month in on this recipe. My question is, does the powder settle out, or do you just keep it in suspention and use it that way? Can't wait to try it. :D
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