I've been telling my sister for months now that I was going to share this little DIY tutorial and printables with you (and her!) about how to make your own homemade natural anti-bacterial spray. Every time I make another batch for me to use around the house, I remember: "Oh, yeah. I need to write that up to share with everyone!" And then I forget. Because I'm too busy using the cleaner around the house to actually write about how to use it around the house. Oh, bother. ☺ There are so many cleaning products available in the stores these days, and even natural, "green" cleaners are everywhere in our stores and online. Why on earth would I want to add ONE MORE THING to my "to do" list? If you haven't noticed, those natural cleaners aren't getting any cheaper these days. In fact, some of them are downright expensive. That's a shame, because this Simply Homemade DIY Natural Antibacterial Cleaning Spray - that takes literally just a few minutes to make - is dirt cheap. So much less than the regular cleaners in the stores. This cleaner is PH balanced, so it is safe to use on granite and marble, but you may want to test the spray in an inconspicuous area just in case you're worried that it might cause a color change. I don't have granite or marble countertops, so I haven't tried this for myself. I use this all over the house: sinks, counters, doorknobs, greasy spills on the stove, stains on walls, spot cleaning the linoleum floors, appliances, laundry baskets, inside the car, etc. This is my go-to all purpose cleaning spray now! However. . .
My #1 most favorite use for Simply Homemade Natural Anti-Bacterial Spray is this: Disinfecting my kitchen sink! We use the kitchen all the time to prepare snacks and meals, especially since we educate our children at home, don't eat out very often, and rarely eat convenience foods. That means 21 homemade meals per week, plus 14 no-sugar snacks, and generally 5 to 7 no-sugar homemade desserts. That's a lotta cookin' and dishes! While I don't give our kitchen sink a good, 'ol-fashioned scrubbing with Bon Ami on a daily basis, I do use my Simply Homemade Natural Antibacterial Spray to disinfect the kitchen sink at least once a day: after washing our hands from cracking raw eggs; after rinsing off raw meat or washing our hands after handling raw meat; etc. In other words, if you show up at my house and observe the white kitchen sink looking oh-so-not-quite white, you can be fairly certain that it is still disinfected, no matter how scratched and nasty it looks! Just to make certain that I'm truly getting rid of any nasty bacteria that could give us food poisoning or botulism, I use a quick, two-step process.
I bet you're wondering where I found a spray bottle of peroxide! Unscrew the spray nozzle from one of your empty, new spray bottles. Unscrew the cap from your hydrogen peroxide. Guess what? Your new spray nozzle fits the bottle of peroxide! Just tighten it onto the bottle of peroxide. Now you have a peroxide spray bottle that isn't clear or opaque - a requirement for keeping hydrogen peroxide at its full strength. |
In a large, heat-resistant bowl (not plastic), measure and add 1 tsp. of washing soda. I store my washing soda and Borax powder in 2-quart glass canning jars because I had a box of dishwashing detergent get wet once under my kitchen sink. Now I store boxed items in glass jars or plastic containers so if the area they are in gets slightly wet, the product isn't ruined. |
Now for your free printable labels to print for your own spray bottle:
How's that for a quick and easy alternative to using some of the strange and bizarre chemicals found in regular anti-bacterial household sprays?
Do you make any other cleaning chemicals for home cleaning purposes?
Hi Julieanne! I was wondering if you purchase the castile soap or make your own. If you purchase it, where do you get it? My son, Josh, makes his. It was interesting to use it (again) for the first time at his house. As soon as I saw it, I thought it was liquid castile soap, but when I smelled it, I KNEW! It brought back lots of memories. Growing up, that was always the soap at school, church, & other common areas!
BTW, have you heard about using vinegar & newspapers to wash windows?
One more thing, Did you know that soap by itself washes germs away & kills bacteria, viruses simply by breaking down the surface area of the organism? Multiple studies have shown that thorough hand washing with soap & warm water is more effective in sanitizing hands than using antibacterial agents.
Hydrogen peroxide works by itself as a surface disinfectant, but gloves should be worn to protect the skin. It works because it oxidizes the microorganisms & other living tissues. This simple agent is effective, inexpensive, & does not cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. Using soap or baking soda w it helps by breaking down the surface area of the organisms.
Another point is that there is too much use today of antibacterial soaps, etc. This overuse contributes to the bacterial resistance occurring w the use of antibiotics for very serious illnesses, etc. It IS important to get rid of bacteria after using poultry, eggs, etc., but a hot soapy solution for hands, utensils, & surfaces, keeping cutting boards for the use of raw meats, fish separate from those used for cutting fruits, veggies, bread, and hand washing does this at home. Institutional kitchens require actual disinfecting.
The marketing or antibacterials has now made them commercially ubiquitous, unfortunately, so your recipe is a great alternative
Hi, Linda! I've both purchased castile soap and made it with a friend. It's a lot less expensive to make it myself or with a friend, so that's what I prefer to do.
You're right - when we were growing up, that castile soap smell was everywhere. :) I had forgotten about that.
Yes, I've used vinegar and newspapers to wash windows, and while it works well, it doesn't seem to work as well as the SprayWay window cleaner I prefer to use. We have very old (60+ years) windows that are floor to ceiling in our living room and dining room, and SprayWay seems to do the best job on them so far. If we had newer windows, or maybe smaller windows, I'd consider trying the vinegar and newspaper again.
I've always used soap and hot water to wash away germs, so I'm very comfortable with that. :)
However, with germs from raw chicken and other meats, I feel safer using some kind of spray - which is why I figured out how to make a kitchen spray that is safe around food, kills germs and bacteria, and is based around soap. :)
I strongly agree with you, Linda, that commercial antibacterial soaps and sprays are not healthy to use; that's why I figured out this new method! :)
I just wanted to point out that, while you're correct about the overuse of antibacterial products can be very detrimental, some people/families unfortunately need to use them regularly. My son was diagnosed with Lemierre's Syndrome, and because his immune system is very weak it's extremely important that we do everything possible to limit his exposure to bacteria or viruses. After spending time in the hospital and seeing children who really had no immune system whatsoever, I really saw that some cannot live without these products. Again, I agree with you that they are way overused in the common household, I just wanted to remind everyone that some households truly need them.
I have a question about the essential oils. The only ones I cam find are the ones at Wal-Mart. Are those ok to use?
Hi, Bethany! Essential oils can really vary from company to company as far as the purity, strength, and methods of extraction, but for making this type of natural antibacterial spray, feel free to use what you can afford. Even the Walmart esssential oils should be fine!
I don't know if my local Walmart carries essential oils. In what department do you find these, and near what other types of products? Thanks!
Clear and opaque are two opposite, absolutely different things. In the beginning of your informative article you say to not use "clear or opaque " bottlea. Which do you mean? "Clear" = see through. "Opaque" = not see through, solid, light blocking. If you are writing an informative directional article and would like to be considered something other than a moron, learn the definitions of the words you are using. Otherwise, why should anyone listen to a single thing you say? Lets all stop being lazy here
May the god of hope fill you with Websters English Dictionary
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