If you have a sweet tooth, don’t read this book!! If you don’t like to laugh, don’t read this book. If you don’t like reading about people problems and personalities, don’t read this book. Otherwise, The Icing on the Cake is quite a fabulous way to spend several hours of enjoyment. ☺ Scarlet Lindsey is a young woman who lives on Galvaston Island, off the coast of Texas, and has just opened up a new bakery in a popular area of her town. Her somewhat elderly Aunt Wilhelmina (called “Willy” behind her back) has funded this project and is determined to keep her finger on all aspects of the venture. Scarlet has many doubts about her own abilities, other than her baking, but has always admired her heroine, Lucy—as in “I Love Lucy”—and often thinks back to how Lucy would get herself out of the messes she has created. Scarlet’s life is complicated by the fact that she has many friends and admirers and tends to never say no to requests. For instance, she is deeply involved in helping the teens in her church (of which her father is pastor) raise funds for a third-world country trip; being maid-of-honor in her very best friend’s upcoming wedding and in fact, will be making the wedding cake for that occasion as well; she is deeply empathetic with the plight of at least one youngster who lives a very rugged life within her city; she is passionate about her bakery and making a success of it. Scarlet has a very capable helper in her bakery: Kenny, a wonderful problem-solver in her many escapades. However, an accident sidelines him for a while, and in steps Armando, the brother of a special friend. Oh, did I mention, there is just a little bit of romance within this story? All the characters in this novel have background issues which influence what and how they are living and making decisions. They are “normal” people who have been greatly affected by “little” things that happened in their childhood or by unthinking people saying things that should never have come out of their mouths. Scarlet is quite sensitive to some of her issues and sometimes overcompensates for what she feels are weaknesses in her own life. She is also a great listener and is able to help others overcome their own issues. Each chapter in this book has a small quote at the beginning; one which this reader appreciated said: “Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.” It is a challenge to overcome the thought that one must get to the kitchen and whip up a batch of cream cheese frosting after finishing the book. Lots of good laughs throughout, but also great recognition of the grace of God in our lives; He is our Companion, our Healer, our Partner in all we do. I know you'll enjoy The Icing on the Cake! I received a copy of this book for review, but was not compensated financially in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based solely on my experiences while reading this book.
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